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우주 사진

오늘의 NASA 우주 사진 (2023-10-02)

by 히제 2023. 10. 2.

안녕하세요, 히제입니다.
오늘 NASA에서 비춰주는 우주의 모습은 어떠할까요?
사진 먼저 감상하시죠!


이 사진의 제목은 Sprite Lightning in High Definition 입니다. NASA에서 제공한 공식 설명은 아래와 같습니다.


Sometimes lightning occurs out near space. One such lightning type is red sprite lightning, which has only been photographed and studied on Earth over the past 25 years. The origins of all types of lightning remain topics for research, and scientists are still trying to figure out why red sprite lightning occurs at all. Research has shown that following a powerful positive cloud-to-ground lightning strike, red sprites may start as 100-meter balls of ionized air that shoot down from about 80-km high at 10 percent the speed of light. They are quickly followed by a group of upward streaking ionized balls. Featured here is an extraordinarily high-resolution image of a group of red sprites. This image is a single frame lasting only 1/25th of a second from a video taken above Castelnaud Castle in Dordogne, France, about three weeks ago. The sprites quickly vanished -- no sprites were visible even on the very next video frame.


우주 사진을 볼 때마다, 끝을 알 수 없는 저 광활한 우주 속에서 우리 사람이란 존재가 얼마나 작은 부분인가 실감하게 됩니다.
그럼 저는 내일 또 새로운 우주 사진과 함께 돌아오겠습니다:-) 좋은 하루 되세요!


