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우주 사진

오늘의 NASA 우주 사진 (2023-07-23)

by 히제 2023. 7. 23.

안녕하세요, 히제입니다.
오늘 NASA에서 비춰주는 우주의 모습은 어떠할까요?
사진 먼저 감상하시죠!


이 사진의 제목은 The Antikythera Mechanism 입니다. NASA에서 제공한 공식 설명은 아래와 같습니다.


It does what? No one knew that 2,000 years ago, the technology existed to build such a device. The Antikythera mechanism, pictured, is now widely regarded as the first computer. Found at the bottom of the sea aboard a decaying Greek ship, its complexity prompted decades of study, and even today some of its functions likely remain unknown. X-ray images of the device, however, have confirmed that a main function of its numerous clock-like wheels and gears is to create a portable, hand-cranked, Earth-centered, orrery of the sky, predicting future star and planet locations as well as lunar and solar eclipses. The corroded core of the Antikythera mechanism's largest gear is featured, spanning about 13 centimeters, while the entire mechanism was 33 centimeters high, making it similar in size to a large book. Recently, modern computer modeling of missing components is allowing for the creation of a more complete replica of this surprising ancient machine.


우주 사진을 볼 때마다, 끝을 알 수 없는 저 광활한 우주 속에서 우리 사람이란 존재가 얼마나 작은 부분인가 실감하게 됩니다.
그럼 저는 내일 또 새로운 우주 사진과 함께 돌아오겠습니다:-) 좋은 하루 되세요!


