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우주 사진

오늘의 NASA 우주 사진 (2023-06-14)

by 히제 2023. 6. 14.

안녕하세요, 히제입니다.
오늘 NASA에서 비춰주는 우주의 모습은 어떠할까요?
사진 먼저 감상하시죠!


이 사진의 제목은 The Shark Nebula 입니다. NASA에서 제공한 공식 설명은 아래와 같습니다.


There is no sea on Earth large enough to contain the Shark nebula. This predator apparition poses us no danger as it is composed only of interstellar gas and dust. Dark dust like that featured here is somewhat like cigarette smoke and created in the cool atmospheres of giant stars. After being expelled with gas and gravitationally recondensing, massive stars may carve intricate structures into their birth cloud using their high energy light and fast stellar winds as sculpting tools. The heat they generate evaporates the murky molecular cloud as well as causing ambient hydrogen gas to disperse and glow red. During disintegration, we humans can enjoy imagining these great clouds as common icons, like we do for water clouds on Earth. Including smaller dust nebulae such as Lynds Dark Nebula 1235 and Van den Bergh 149 & 150, the Shark nebula spans about 15 light years and lies about 650 light years away toward the constellation of the King of Aethiopia (Cepheus).


우주 사진을 볼 때마다, 끝을 알 수 없는 저 광활한 우주 속에서 우리 사람이란 존재가 얼마나 작은 부분인가 실감하게 됩니다.
그럼 저는 내일 또 새로운 우주 사진과 함께 돌아오겠습니다:-) 좋은 하루 되세요!


